Greenhills Garden Design
Quality design with the personal touch



Garden Design Advice for Ana in Aspley Guise

Ana wanted advice on what to plant in a patch of woodland. I suggested that she needed to put in some large shrubs or small trees before incorporating some shade-loving perennials. Some of my favourites for this situation are the viburnums. Some of these e.g. Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' are deciduous while others like Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' are evergreen. Hollies will also grow well here. If you want some berries then be sure to plant hollies of both sexes. You will need to look carefully at the labels as curiously Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen' is a male variety and Ilex x altaclernsis 'Golden King' is actually a female! Some hollies like the popular Ilex aquiflium 'J.C. van Tol' are self-fertile so this is a good one of your space is limited.

Hydrangeas are ideal for a shady spot. I now have two Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mme Emile Mouillere' as they make a wonderful contribution to the garden for a long period of time. Their white flowers slowly take on a pink tinge as they age. A garden well worth visiting for inspiration is Beth Chatto's in Essex. In her woodland area she has some wonderful examples of climbing hydrangeas scrambling into the trees. Visit The Beth Chatto Gardens Elmstead Market, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7DB.

There are many smaller perennials to plant around your shrubs. Remember to plant perennials in large groups as they make more impact than singly. Bergenias make fantastic ground cover in part shade as well as sun. The foliage of epimediums is most attractive and they are happy in dry shade. Both of these plants will also oblige with spring flowers. Include spring bulbs as well.

For summer interest many varieties of hardy geranium (cranesbills) will grow well. Geranium macrorrhizum is particularly good if your soil is dry as well as shady. If your soil is moist then hostas and ferns are a must. Think about extending the seasons. Hellebores will give you winter colour and Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' is a lovely white to brighten up a spot.

Far from being tricky a shady woodland is an opportunity to grow some lovely plants. For further inspiration you may find this book helpful.



Maria Greenhill B.Ed (Hons) PG Dip GD (OCGD)
Contact Maria on 01908 678647 to discuss your ideal garden